ASME and AWS Industry Specific Welding Forms Are Now Available

When working on a welding project, a primary time-consuming and expensive task is creating the Procedure Qualification Record (PQR), Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) or Welder Procedure Qualification (WPQ) documents according to the applicable welding codes.

Industry-specific welding forms have not been readily available in the past, meaning Welding Inspectors have had to make an extra effort to create them.


ASME and AWS Industry Specific Welding Forms Are Now Available


These welding procedure forms can be complicated to complete, especially when the project requires fabricators in specific industries to modify the more common ASME Section IX or AWS D1.1 document format to address requirements for other codes. When copying or changing information on forms or templates you’ve created yourself, it can be a time-consuming and error-prone task, especially when it comes to structural welding. These homegrown templates can be difficult for multiple users to access or understand.

Fortunately, using modern welding documentation applications you now have access to forms matching any applicable codes you use. For example, CEI now has industry-specific bundles of code forms available to industries like aerospace, automotive, and more. This means that if a company does most of their work in ASME Section IX or AWS D1.1, but have an occasional need to create documents in other codes, the application provides the ability to add unique code related forms to your application subscription.

You can use a specific form created to match the form in the applicable code book, instead of forcing welding variables from one process into a form created for a different process. This gives you peace of mind that your welding procedure documents are used and interpreted correctly.


What Are Code-Form Bundles?

Code-Form Bundles give users the ability to add code forms to their base packages (ASME Section IX, AWS D1.1) in industry related bundles of the most common codes used for their industry, such as Automotive Welding and others. Through this capability, users can access additional code forms with their base packages, saving time and keeping their forms for all codes consistent.

ProWrite software accounts for several industry codes including 15614-1, 15609-1 9606-1 and more.

Code Bundle Description
 Codes Include
 Aerospace Welding

 AWS D17.1, D17.2, D17.3

 Automotive Welding

 AWS D8.1, D8.5, D8.6, D8.7, D8.8, D8.14

 AWS Sheet Metal Welding

 AWS D9.1

 AWS Underwater Welding

 AWS D3.6R

 Brazing, Soldering, Plastic Welding, and Bolting

 ASME Section IX, AWS C3.2, C3.4, C3.5, C3.6, C3.7,   C3.9, C3.11, C3.12, G1.1, G1.6, ASME PCC-1

 BS EN ISO Welding

 BS EN ISO 3183, 11970, 15607, 15612, 15613,       15609- 1, 15609-2, 15609-3, 15609-4, 15609-5,   15609-6,  15614-1, 15614-2, 15614-3, 9606-1

 Heavy Industry AWS Machinery Welding

 AWS D14.1, D14.3, D14.4, D14.5, D14.6, D14.7

 Infrastructure/Bridge Welding

 AWS D1.5

 MILSPEC, NAVSEA, and Ship Welding

 AWS D3.5, D3.7, C2.18, MILSPEC, NAVSE, ABS

 Pipe, Pipeline, and Pressure Vessel Welding

 API 1104, ASME Section IX, AWS D10.4, D10.6,   D10.7, D10.8, D10.9, D10.11, D10.12, D10.18, D18.3, ISO   13847

 Railroad Welding

 AWS D15.1, D15.2

 Structural Welding

 AWS D1.1, D1.2, D1.3, D1.4, D1.6, D1.8, D1.9

Why Would a Welding INSPECTOR Want Bundle Code Forms?

As stated earlier, filling out welding forms from a homegrown template is a lengthy complicated process and comes with a high risk of mistakes. Conversely, the new welding code form releases provide a mix and match capability to get access to the forms you need.


What Are the Benefits that Come with Bundling Codes?

CEI’s Code Form Bundles don’t currently provide any code-assistance like the ASME Section IX and AWS D1.1 base package does, but ultimately, still saves you time and reduces possible errors by providing you a specific code form template to fill out your forms and not miss an important welding procedure variable.

The primary benefit for users is not having to create your own templates that must be manipulated manually for each unique application. It reduces errors as a user doesn’t have to change and save forms that are reused multiple times.

You write the new code forms to the existing document database, so they are available and searchable just like your ASME Section IX and AWS D1.1 documents.

When you are creating PQR, WPS, or WPQ documents, you now can access the right form for the procedure you need to document.


Where Can the Code Bundling Feature Be Found?

CEI's welding documentation software, ProWrite can create documents for each of the unique codes. These code forms can be added into their two most popular base packages without having to purchase a completely new code package.

As experts in welding procedure codes, CEI knows what welding fabricators need and want when working and building out welding procedures. CEI has worked within the industry for over thirty years, participate on the national codes and standards committees, and invest hundreds of hours every year in code compliance study to help you be more efficient.

Code Assist

Written by CEI

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