Analytics Help You Assign the Best Welder to the Job

When you’re stretched thin, it’s even more vital you assign the best welder for the job-at-hand. Depending on the complexity of the project, you’ll need to balance your selection of welder with their qualifications and possibly with their upcoming expiration.

But how do you know which welder to choose? In order to make the best decision for your project and your company, you’ll want to use the analytical tools contained in CEI’s welder management software.

Our programs allow you to view welder continuity history and welder quals in light of when their qualification is calculated to expire. The more you know about a given welder, the more prudently you can select who's available to assign, to a job, who to furlough, and who you may need to simply move on from.

Take the emotion and stress out of assigning welders for your next project. Let CEI’s software solutions do the critical thinking for you and give you the best information so you can wisely delegate welding responsibilities for your next project.

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Written by CEI

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