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ASME Weld Number Tables – P number base & F number filler

Written by CEI | Feb 20, 2018 2:11:47 AM
Hustling again to find ASME Weld Number tables and get your project done?

How often have you wished somebody would do something to make this easier? We have! Jump directly to the table using the links below, or better yet, download all of theses helpful ASME Weld Number Tables directly to your computer.


Use the links below to jump directly to a section:

P Number (Base Metal- Summary & Table QW-423)
S Number, (Base Metal – no table)
Group Number, (Base Metal Groupings – Table QW-420) 
F Number, (Filler Metal – Table QW 423) 
A Number (Filler Metal – Table QW-442) 

The purpose of the ASME Weld Number tables is to support a numbering system methodology that helps to make welding procedure creation and welding procedure management much easier as well as more affordable.

These numbers1 have been assigned to base metals and filler metals alike, grouping materials to reduce the number of welding procedures and welder performance qualification tests needed to qualify a wide range of materials (base metals and filler metals). The base metal grouping scheme consists of the P numbers and Group Numbers. It also included the S Numbers until they were removed from the ASME code in 2009. The filler metal grouping scheme consists of the F numbers and A Numbers.


Note1: these number tables and the information contained were accurate at the time of blog post first publish date in September 2015, to ensure compliance with the current code we recommend referring to latest code book edition or the latest version of welding procedure management and code assistance software ProWrite.


Base Metals: The P Number 

This number is used to group similar Base Metals, allowing qualification of an entire selection versus qualification of just one. These base metals are grouped by material and assigned P Numbers based on what material they are. For example, the P Number 1 is assigned to Carbon Manganese or Low Carbon Steel base metals. 

The table below provides an approximate summary of the assignments:  

  P Number

Base Metal


 Carbon Manganese Steels (four Group Numbers)


 Not Used


 1/2 Molybdenum or 1/2 Chromium,

 1/2 Molybdenum (three Group Numbers)


 1 1/4 Chromium, 1/2 Molybdenum

 (two Group Numbers)


 2 1/4 Chromium, 1 Molybdenum


 5 Chromium, 1/2 Molybdenum or 9 Chromium,

 1 Molybdenum (two Group Numbers) 


 Chromium, Molybdenum, Vanadium

 (five Group Numbers)


 Martensitic Stainless Steels (Grade 410, 415, 429)

 (six Group Numbers)


 Ferritic Stainless Steels (Grade 409, 430)


 Austenitic Stainless Steels:   

  • Group 1 - Grades 304, 316, 317, 347
  • Group 2 - Grades 309, 310
  • Group 3 - High Manganese Grades
  • Group 4 - High Molybdenum Grades

 9A, B, C 

 2 - 4 Nickel Steels 

 10A, B, C, F

 Various Low Alloy Steels


 Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steel

 (Grades 31803, 32750)


 High Chromium Stainless Steel 


 High Chromium, Molybdenum Stainless Steel


 High Chromium, Molybdenum,

 Nickel Stainless Steel 


 Various High Strength Low Alloy Steels

 (six Group Numbers)


 Various High Strength Low Alloy Steels

 (ten Group Numbers)


 9 Chromium, 1 Molybdenum

16 to 20

Not Used


 High Aluminum Content (1000 and 3000 series)


 Aluminum (5000 series - 5052, 5454)


 Aluminum (6000 series - 6061, 6063)


 Not Used 


 Aluminum (5000 series - 5083, 5086, 5456) 

 26 to 30 

 Not Used 


 High Copper Content 




 Copper Silicon 


 Copper Nickel 


 Copper Aluminum 

 36 to 40 

 Not Used 


 High Nickel Content  


 Nickel, Copper - (Monel 500)


 Nickel, Chromium, Iron - (Inconel) (C22, C276, X)


 Nickel, Molybdenum - (Hastelloy B2)


 Nickel, Chromium, Si


 Nickel, Chromium, Silicone


 Nickel, Chromium, Tungsten

 47 to 50 

 Not Used

 51, 52, 53 

 Titanium Alloys

 61, 62

 Zirconium Alloys 

Because of these assignments, the cost of the continuous procedure and performance qualification testing does not exist. In most cases, qualifying a welder on a specific material will also qualify that welder on a variety of related materials.

“For example, a welder who qualifies on a P1 to the P1 material is also qualified to weld P-1 through P-15F, P-34, and any P-40s.”


Watch this short video & learn how ProWrite Welding Document Management Software can reduce your need to spend time working through the tables.  


The following tables provide more information.

ASME Section IX’s Number Table from QW-423 Welder Qualifications is shown as follows:

 Base Metals for Welder Qualification

Qualified Production Base Metals 

 P - No. 1 through P - No. 15F,

 P - No. 34, or P - No. 41 through P - No. 49

 P - No. 1 through P - No. 15F,

 P - No. 34, and P - No. 41 through P - No. 49

 P - No. 21 through P - No. 26

 P - No. 21 through P - No. 26

 P - No. 51 through P - No. 53 or P - No. 61

 or P - No. 62

 P - No. 51 through P - No. 53 and P - No. 61

 and P - No. 62


In some cases, qualifying a production coupon for procedure specification also qualifies that procedure to a wider range of materials.


ASME Section IX’s Number Table from QW-424 Procedure Qualifications is shown as follows:

 Base Metal(s) Used for Production Qualification Coupon

 Base Metals Qualified

 One metal from a P - Number to any metal from

 the same P - Number

 Any metals assigned that P - Number

 One metal from P - No. 15E to any metal from

P -No. 15E

 Any P - No. 15E or 5B metal to any metal assigned

 P -No. 15E or 5B

 One metal from a P - Number to any metal from

 any other P - Number

 Any metal assigned the first P - Number to any

 metal assigned the second P - Number

 One metal from P - No. 15E to any metal from any

 other P - Number

 Any P - No. 15E or 5B metal to any metal assigned

 the second P - Number

 One metal from P - No. 3 to any metal from

 P - No. 3

 Any P - No. 3 metal to any metal assigned

 P - No. 3 or 1

 One metal from P - No. 4 to any metal from

 P - No. 4

 Any P - No. 4 metal to any metal assigned

 P - No. 4, 3, or 1

 One metal from P - No. 5A to any metal from

 P - No. 5A

 Any P - No. 5A metal to any metal assigned

 P - No. 5A, 4, 3, or  1

 One metal from P - No. 5A to any metal from

 P - No. 4, P - No. 3, or P - No. 1

 Any P - No. 5A metal to any metal assigned to

 P - No. 4, 3, or 1

 One metal from P - No. 4 to any metal from

 P - No. 3, or P - No. 1

 Any P - No. 4 metal to any metal assigned

 P - No. 3 or 1

 Any unassigned metal to the same unassigned


 The unassigned metal to itself

 Any unassigned metal to any P - Number metal

 The unassigned metal to any metal assigned to

 the same P - Number as the qualified metal

 Any unassigned metal to any metal from

 P - No. 15E

 The unassigned metal to any metal assigned

 P - No. 15E or 5B 

 Any unassigned metal to any other unassigned


 The first unassigned metal to the second

 unassigned metal


The S Number

The S-Number was removed from ASME Section IX in 2009. The S Number’s purpose was identical to the P Number. However, these numbers were assigned to those materials included for pipework to the ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping. These materials were also covered by the P-Number, but not the converse.

Related: Want easy access to these ASME tables? Download them here!


The Group Number

This number is used only for impact testing requirements of ferrous metals, subgrouping the P-Number materials by the similarity of metallurgical properties (see above P-Number table). However, per ASME Section IX, “These assignments are based essentially on comparable base metal characteristics, such as composition, weldability, brazeability, and mechanical properties, where this can logically be done. These assignments do not imply that base metals may be indiscriminately substituted for a base metal that was used in the qualification test without consideration of compatibility from the standpoint of metallurgical properties, post weld heat treatment, design, mechanical properties, and service requirements“. These groupings can be found in Table QW/QB-422.


The following table is a replica of ASME Section IX’s Number Table QW-420 that shows the assignment groups for various alloy systems:

Base Metal 

Welding Brazing
 Steel and Steel alloys  P - No. 1 through P - No. 15F  P - No. 101 through P - No. 103
 Aluminum and aluminum - base  alloys   P - No. 21 through P - No. 26  P - No. 104 and P - No. 105
Copper and copper - base alloys  P - No. 31 through P - No. 35   P - No. 107 and P - No. 108
 Nickel and nickel - base alloys  P - No. 41 through P - No. 49  P - No. 110 through P - No. 112
 Titanium and titanium - base alloys  P - No. 51 through P - No. 53  P - No. 115
Zirconium and zirconium - base alloys  P - No. 61 and P - No. 62  P - No. 117


Filler Metals: The F Number

This number is used to group filler metals used in welding procedures and welder performance qualifications. The definition of F-Numbers is provided in QW-431 of ASME IX:

“The grouping of electrodes and welding rods in Table QW-432 is based essentially on their usability characteristics, which fundamentally determine the ability of welders to make satisfactory welds with a given filler metal. This grouping is made to reduce the number of welding procedure and performance qualifications, where this can logically be done. The grouping does not imply that base metals or filler metals within a group may be indiscriminately substituted for a metal that was used in the qualification test without consideration of the compatibility of the base and filler metals from the standpoint of metallurgical properties, post weld heat treatment design and service requirements, and mechanical properties”.


F-Numbers of filler metals can be found in ASME Section IX’s Number Table QW-432 an extract is shown as following:

F - Numbers

Electrodes/Welding Rods
 F - No. 1 through F - No. 6  Steel and Steel Alloys
 F - No. 21 through F - No. 25  Aluminum and aluminum - base alloys
 F - No. 31 through F - No. 37   Copper and Copper Alloys
 F - No. 41 through F - No. 46   Nickel and Nickel Alloys
 F - No. 51 through F - No. 56  Titanium and Titanium Alloys
 F - No. 61  Zirconium and zirconium - base alloys
 F - No. 71 through F - No. 72  Hard - Facing Weld Metal Overlay


ASME Section IX’s Number Table QW-433 Alternate F-Numbers for welding performance qualification


With →


F - No.1  F - No.1 F - No.2 F - No.2 F - No.3 F - No.3 F - No.4  F - No.4 F - No.5 F - No. 5 

For ↓





















 F - No.1



 X  X

 F - No.1




 F - No.2




 F - No.2




 F - No.3




 F - No.3




 F - No.4




 F - No.4




 F - No.5




 F - No.5






Qualified With

Qualified For

 Any F - No. 6

 All F - No. 6 [Note (1)]

 Any F - No. 21 through F - No. 25

 All F - No. 21 through F - No. 25

 Any F - No. 31, F - No. 32, F - No. 33,

 F - No. 35, F - No. 36, or F - No. 37

 Only the same F - Number as was used during

 the qualification test

 F - No. 34 or any F - No. 41 through

 F - No. 46

 F - No. 34 and all F - No. 41 through

 F - No. 46

 Any F - No. 51 through F - No. 55

 All F - No. 51 through F - No. 55

 Any F - No. 61 

 All F - No. 61

 Any F - No. 71 through F - No. 72

 Only the same F - Number as was used during

 the qualification test


(1) Deposited weld metal made using a bare rod not covered by an SFA Specification but which conforms to an analysis listed in QW - 442 shall be considered to be classified as F - No. 6.



The A Number

The A-Number is a calculated value based on a combination of the chemical composition of the weld filler metal (which may be found in ASME Section II Part C), and ASME Section IX’s A-Number Table QW-442:

Table QW - 442


Classification of Ferrous Weld Metal Analysis for Procedure Qualification

                                                                         Analysis, % [Note (1)] and [Note (2)]              
 A-No.  Type of Weld Deposit  C  Cr  Mo  Ni  Mn  Si

 Mild Steel

 0.20  0.20 0.30  0.50  1.60  1.00
 Carbon - Molybdenum  0.15  0.50 0.40-0.65  0.50  1.60  1.00
 Chrome (0.4% to 2%) - Molybdenum   0.15  0.40-2.00 0.40-0.65  0.50  1.60   1.00
 Chrome (2% to 4%) - Molybdenum  0.15   2.00-4.00 0.40-1.50  0.50  1.60   2.00
 Chrome (4% to 10.5%) - Molybdenum  0.15   4.00-10.50 0.40-1.50  0.80  1.20  2.00
 Chrome - Martensitic  0.15   11.00-15.00 0.70  0.80  2.00  1.00
 Chrome - Ferritic  0.15  11.00-30.00 1.00  0.80  1.00  3.00
 Chromium - Nickel  0.15  14.50-30.00 4.00 7.50-15.00  2.50  1.00
 Chromium - Nickel  0.30 19.00-30.00 6.00 15.00-37.00  2.50   1.00
10   Nickel to 4%  0.15  0.5 0.55 0.80-4.00  1.70  1.00
11   Manganese - Molybdenum  0.17  0.5 0.25-0.75  0.85  1.25-2.25  1.00
12   Nickel - Chrome - Molybdenum  0.15  1.50 0.25-0.80  1.25-2.80 0.75-2.25  1.00


 (1) Single values shown above are maximum.

 (2) Only listed elements are used to determine A - numbers.


The A-Number is an essential variable for welding procedure specifications for multiple welding processes. It identifies related filler metals based on their chemical composition and allows procedure qualifications for the whole host of related materials.


The Numbers System

The purpose of the number system is to help. It alleviates extra time and cost by qualifying welders and procedures to a host of materials by simply qualifying to one.

If you would like to learn more about how ProWrite uses this weld numbering system to assist welding procedure management and welder qualification management watch our recorded webinar 5 software strategies to increase welding process efficiencyIt covers specific areas that provide cost-effective increases in welding process efficiency and details how we ensure the uniform application of generally accepted safe welding practices in the manufacture and fabrication of boilers & pressure vessels.