Think Tank | CEI

U2G Changes Allow ASME VIII Div 2 To Fill Gaps In ASME Div 1 BPVC

Written by Mike Clark, PE | Sep 16, 2019 3:00:00 PM

If you work with pressure vessels, you probably know the new ASME BPVC changes go into effect in 2020, just a few short months away.  Even if the jurisdictions you work with, won’t mandate the latest code right away, you likely still have the option to adopt them.

Of course, even with the new changes, every pressure vessel design has elements that ASME Section VIII Div 1 doesn’t address. For instance, ASME Section VIII Div 1 code focuses on internal and external pressure, but many other loads must be considered.

ASME code volunteers have long recognized this gap has existed and it is one of the reasons that Div 2 includes methods for not only internal external pressure; but also for external loadings.  Now in the 2019 publication of Div 1, the code writers have implemented changes in U-2(g) in order to guide users to those ASME Section VIII Div 2 solutions to fill in where needed.


While these code changes are helpful, designers don’t always have an easy way to perform the required calculations. In the past, designers have used custom calculations, but many inspectors are starting to prefer standardized software packages that perform the calculations based on ASME Section VIII Div 2 as their first choice.

For example, pressure vessels often have wind and seismic loads. Those loads result in overturning moments that ASME Section VIII Div 1 doesn’t tell you how to handle; however, ASME Section VIII Div 2 can provide the solution.

Even with the Div 2 solutions, inspectors will want to be confident in the calculations provided by the manufacturer. In the end, it’s the manufacturer who is responsible for the assumptions and methods used in their vessel designs.

According to the Foreword of Section VIII Div 1, users must understand the tools they use and therefore, must have confidence that their calculation methods meet the requirements. However, with those requirements changing regularly, it’s important that designers have a trusted resource that can reliably perform the calculations.

To maintain its Industry Leadership position, CEI staff regularly attend code committee meetings. Because of their attendance, CEI has been aware of the upcoming U-2(g) changes and acted to provide a rich set of solutions that the pressure vessel and heat exchanger industry would need. CEI, a Constellation Software company, has the industry expertise and financial resources needed to meet the demands of an ever-changing and growing industry.

The CEI suite of design products now includes Finglow software, which provides the additional capabilities needed to design that Division 1 vessel with a Division 2 solution. 

Whether it’s internal pressure plus axial load, bending moment plus external pressure, or other combinations not covered by ASME Section VIII Div 1, CEI has the solution. In addition to ASME Section VIII Div 1 and Div 2, Finglow also enables individual component calculations or entire pressure vessel or heat exchanger designs per EN 13445 and PD 5500.

Reduce your stress. Use DesignCalcs and Finglow and help your inspector smile.

To check the new CEI software out for yourself, head over to the Finglow website page.