You can now avoid the frustration of an expired welder/welding operator certificate with an automated Welder Expiration Notification Service. The American Welding Society (AWS), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Petroleum Institute (API), Navsea and other welding codes require that you remain current and up-to-date with your welding certificate documentation.
Having a cost-effective way to receive timely notifications of upcoming welding certificate expirations, personalized for you, can make your busy life less complicated.
CEI now has available a new service to provide users and shop owners with automated Welder Expiration Notification on a scheduled basis so that you will know which welders have upcoming continuity expirations with each credential. Welders’ Welding Certificates can also expire if the welders’ qualifications expire. This valuable service alerts you to approaching welder continuity expirations before it can cost you time and money or even damage your reputation.
Having a friendly welding certification expiration notification is just the ticket to keep your welders in compliance and working steadily. The reminder below is what you can expect to receive so there will be no question on what and when you need to do to update your records.
For additional information or to signup for the service, click here!