Think Tank | CEI

Overview of 2023 ASME Code Updates | Pressure Vessel & Piping Compliance

Written by CEI | Jul 1, 2024 4:44:45 PM

Keeping up with the latest code standards in the pressure vessel industry can seem daunting, especially when they are under constant revision. In this blog, we aim to simplify that for you—focusing specifically on the 2023 ASME code edition updates that are available in our suite of solutions.  

To deliver updated code information to vessel designers and engineers, we have put together the latest set of code updates pertaining to the following ASME codes and the solutions you can find them in: 


Below is a breakdown of the updates included in the 2023 edition of the code, to provide insight into what you can expect from these changes. This will help you stay current with the latest ASME code standards, ensuring greater reliability and precision in your engineering processes. Let’s get into it. 



ProWrite streamlines the management of welding documents. Users can easily complete, organize, access, and sign their welding documents electronically—simplifying the welding process. You can track your welds and welder continuity/expiration, which reduces the risk of expensive requalifications. With ProWrite, ASME compliance reporting is simple.

Take a look at the 2023 ASME Section IX code updates added to the latest version of ProWrite. 

Code Update 


A new option for the 2023 code year is now available in all documents within the software. 

Ensures adherence to the latest code standards with a simple click within the software. 

The 2023 base and filler materials have been added to the Base Metal database.

Up-to-date materials ensure better accuracy and efficiency. 

The passes per side variable requirements and the current/polarity variable requirements for supplementary essential and nonessential variable situations depending on meeting certain criteria have been adjusted. 

Allows users to easily cross-check variable requirements for both essential and nonessential variables. 

A restriction has been added so that the WPQs limit 1 process per fillet weld qualification; groove welds can still qualify 1-3 processes as per the code update. 

Streamlines the welding process reporting while ensuring compliance with the latest standards. 

The ASME Section VIII and Section IX PWHT Hold Times Notes have been updated to account for the changes to Section VIII. 

Ensures relevancy, and reflection of latest Section VIII documentation standards. 

The essential variable requirement on F-No. for corrosion-resistant overlay has been removed from the software. 


Provides more flexibility and faster welding operations. 

The nonessential variable requirement for transfer mode for GMAW and FCAW documents has been added. 

Handle GMAW and FCAW documents with increased competence. 

The bead width field on PQRs and WPSs has been added and can now be documented for essential variable requirements. 

Better precision and transparency during the process. 

The 2023 ASME Section IX code updates in ProWrite simplify operations for welding professionals by streamlining processes and ensuring compliance with the latest industry standards. Updated base and filler materials, revised variable requirements, and a shift towards more accurate and reliable procedures, amongst other updates lead to more efficient and time-saving welding practices.  

Watch a Demo of the Code Updates in ProWrite!



DesignCalcs gives you access to a wealth of industry data and methodologies to simplify ASME Section VIII Div 1 pressure vessel design compliance. You can prototype with speed and design pressure vessels with common components like shells, heads, nozzles, and flanges (including custom). 

DesignCalcs includes several updates from the 2023 edition of the ASME code:

Code Update 

Key Changes 


Material Properties 

Material properties from SC II, D 2023 can be added, deleted, or edited. Changes to the material tables (UCS-23, UHA-23, UNF-23.1, and so on) in the 2023 ASME code update of Section VIII, Division 1 has been updated as well as the Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) curve assignment per UCS-66. 


Ensures adherence to the latest material properties per 2023 code updates. 

Tubesheet Types 

  • UHX references updated to 4.18.
  • New coefficients CC, Cmdelta, Cmtheta, Cqdelta, Cqtheta, and Zeta C added.
  • Shell shape coefficients Lambda S and delta S updated to be based on mean diameter instead of inside diameter. 
  • Channel shape coefficients Lambda C and delta C updated to be based on mean diameter instead of inside diameter and to incorporate the new coefficients listed above. 
  • Channel coefficient Omega C updated to incorporate the new coefficients listed above. 
  • Channel membrane and channel bending stresses updated based on the new formulations. 
  • Calculation for mu* has been moved from Step 3 to Step 1; for Utube Tubesheets, the calculation for MTS has been moved from Step 2 to Step 6; for Fixed and Floating Tubesheets, the shown tubesheet bending stress (tau) equation, when Ap and Cp are provided, has been updated to the new simplified form (this has no effect on the result). 


Tubesheet calculations are more precise and support the 2023 code edition changes. 

Flexible Shell Element (Thick Point Expansion Point) 

Calculations have been updated to reflect changes clarified in the 2023 edition code. All code years for Thick Walled Expansion Joints will be affected. 


More accurate measurements/calculations for Flexible Shell Element components. 

Tube-to-Tubesheet Welds 

References have been updated to reflect changes in the 2023 edition code. Report now updates based on the year of selection (a 2019 vessel will show Appendix A in the report while a 2023 vessel will show UW-20.4, but both will show UW-20.4 in the software). 

More current and relevant calculations for specific tube-to-tubesheet welds. 

Unthreaded Area  

An update has been made on the Custom (Appendix 2) flange form for the bolting information to better support a clarification made in the 2023 edition of Section VIII, Division 1 in Mandatory Appendix 2. Affects all previous code years. 

Provision of more details for custom flange design. 


The 2023 ASME code updates in DesignCalcs further hone the operational procedures and accuracy in design and calculations for pressure vessel engineers. These updates bring in customization of material properties, more precise tubesheet modeling, improved tube-to-tubesheet weld analysis, and more detailed custom flange design information. Staying aligned with the latest code standards allows industry experts to design more reliable and compliant solutions.

Watch a Demo of the Code Updates in DesignCalcs!


Finglow provides a complete engineering solution for pressure vessel and heat exchanger code compliance for PD5500, EN13445, ASME Section VIII, Div. 1 and Div 2. The comprehensive software package allows you to go into the depths of analysis while working with high-quality modeling tools.  

Below is an overview of the updates pertaining to 2023 code editions included in Finglow. 

Code Update 

Key Changes 


PD 5500 (2023.12.0.1405 Release)

Various component changes pertaining to section like:

  • Shells
  • Nozzles and openings
    • Also includes a modified calculation of the pressure area Ap in section for pad type nozzles.
  • Saddle and ring supports
  • Local loads on cylinders
  • Local loads on formed heads
  • Bolted flanged connections
  • Bolted or welded flat heads
  • Fixed tubsheets
  • Floating tubesheets
  • U-Tube-to-Tubsheets
  • External loads on vertical vessels
  • External loads on horizontal vessels
  • Cyclic loading


Enhancements in safety and compliance for PD 5500 category 3 vessels.























ASME Section VIII, Div 1 and Div 2 (2023.12.0.1405 Release) 

Various component changes to:

  • Fixed Tubesheets 
  • Floating Tubesheets 
  • U-TubeTubesheets


Updated information pertaining to tubesheets, ensuring compliance with latest code standards. 





EN 13445 (2023.12.0.1405 Release)  

 For nozzles and openings, the calculation of the pressure area Ap has been changed for pad type nozzles.

Improved accuracy of pressure calculations, leading to better design and functionality of the nozzle. 


The 2023 updates in Finglow ensure that the product is aligned with the latest ASME code standards, thus heightening reliability and precision in pressure vessel design calculations. Staying up to date with the latest industry standards ensures safety and closer accuracy for engineers during software procedures.   

Watch a Demo of the Code Updates in Finglow!


Paulin Research Group 

Paulin Research Group (PRG) offers a complete pressure vessel, piping, and tank design suite of solutions, particularly known for its FEA software products and consulting services for the pressure vessel and piping industries. PRG’s core software products FEPipe and NozzlePRO allow for swift and easy application of FEA technology to complex system components. PRG’s products are designed to deliver solutions that can be used in compliance and component qualification reports aligned with the ASME B31 Code requirements. 

Below is an overview of the 2023 ASME code edition updates made to the software.  

Code Update 


2023 ASME Section VIII Division 2 Part 5 as well as the 1.67 beta factor for buckling Method B.  

Increased safety and accuracy related to the handling of buckling analysis methods. 

Piping updates to 2022 ASME B31.3 and B31.1. 

Ensures compliance with the latest piping standards, leading to more precision. 

MatPRO, PRG’s material database, has been updated to include the 2019, 2021, and 2023 ASME Section II Part D codes. 

Includes material properties to help users quickly cross-check allowable stress values, design stress values, tensile stress values, external pressure loads, physical properties & more. 

MatPRO has been updated to include the 2018, 2020, and 2022 ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 codes. 

Includes a comprehensive material database for cross-checking material properties for piping components. 


The overall impact of these code updates can be gauged by the enhancements in safety, reliability, and adherence to the latest pressure equipment standards. The expansion of the MatPRO material database reflects greater flexibility in the software, making it a more versatile solution for vessel engineers and stress analysts. 

Watch a Demo of the Code Updates from PRG!

 The 2023 ASME code updates in ProWrite, DesignCalcs, Finglow, and Paulin Research Group software solutions bring about a significant enhancement in safety, reliability, and compliance with the latest industry standards. These updates streamline processes, ensure adherence to material properties, provide more precise calculations for pressure vessel design, and offer comprehensive material databases for cross-checking. By staying aligned with the latest code standards, engineers can design more efficient, accurate, and compliant solutions.

To delve deeper into these advancements and witness the practical application of these updates, we encourage you to watch demos of the code updates in each software solution. To stay up-to-date with the latest technology and industry standards to elevate your welding and pressure vessel design practices, check out our resources below.

2023 Code Changes Webinar Recap

 Our recent code change webinar over the latest 2023 updates and their impact on pressure vessel design, piping codes, and welding fabrication compliance is now available to be rewatched. Check it out below.


ASME Compliance Training Made Easy 

Looking to expand your knowledge of welding and design software? CEI’s ThinkTank Academy is an exclusive online learning platform designed to keep you informed about the latest tools, features, and code changes for quickly creating and validating your model in CEI, Finglow, and Paulin Research Group's suite of design solutions.

Gain access to a wide range of courses taught by our expert engineers who have a combined 50 years of involvement in ASME. Our creators understand the code, the code updates, and some of the shortfalls within. Designing your pressure equipment has never been easier with the convenient and user-friendly ThinkTank Academy. Click the image below to get started today.